Ceres', Pallas', Juno's and Vesta's Proximities With Other Numbered Minor Planets

J. Lazović, M. Kuzmanoski

Investigation has been performed of the orbital proximi ties of (1) Ceres, (2) Pallas, (3) Juno and (4) Vesta with the rest of the numbered minor planets. Only proximities of $\rho_{min}$ < 0.01 AU are taken in consideration. It could be established that a total of 301 asteroid pairs were satisfying this condition, out of which: 83 pairing Ceres, 39 Pallas, 95 Juno and 84 Vesta. The closest proximities are distributed in the followilng way: 0.0002412 AU in the pair (1) Ceres and (1023) Thomana, 0.0001988 AU in the pair (2) Pallas and (1193) Africa, 0.0000154 AU (2300 km) in the pair (3) JUDO and (217) Eudora, and 0.0004322 AU in the pair (4) Vesta and (428) Monachia. The proximity in (3, 217) is the closest found.