Through newspapers and digital media, the public is convinced for decades that dramatic changes are taking place in nature, primarily in the atmosphere, which are the result of anthropogenic influence. One threat to humanity accentuates in some decades and then move on to the next threat. The arguments of alarmists and skeptics about the Little Ice Age, ozone holes, acid rain, the melting of the polar caps, the rise of ocean levels and the irreversible increase in global air temperature differ fundamentally. Most of the media dominantly reports the statements of alarmists that the use of fossil fuels causes a global increase in temperature and that episodes of extreme meteorological phenomena are evidence of climate change. The majority of citizens accept the "guilt" imposed by the media, the influence of ecological movements is growing. Can media presentations of such natural phenomena be classified as scientific? The analysis of meteorological data refutes the theory about rapid climate change and, without a deeper political analysis, indicates hidden motives and manipulation of people in the background.