Преглед НЦД 22 (2013), 40–46
Danijela Getliher, Jasenka Zajec
National and University Library in Zagreb
Abstract: The increasing number of digitised publications published by national libraries and other heritage institutions stresses the importance of identification and moves the development of traditional identification systems to the next level. An overview of identifiers used for digitised heritage is given. The development, usage and benefits of the use of identification systems like DOI (Digital Object Identifier), ISBN (International Standard Book Number), ISSN (International Standard Serial Number), ISTC (International Standard Text Code), NBN (National Bibliography Number), SICI (Serial Item and Contribution Identifier), URN (Uniform Resource Number) are presented in more detail. Possible levels of identification i.e. different levels of granularity that can be used in identification of digitised publications are presented.
Keywords: digital heritage, digitised publications, identifiers, DOI, ISBN, ISSN, ISTC, NBN, SICI, URN.