Digitization of collected works of Jovan Simovljević


Jovan Simovljević (1929–2007) was Professor at the University of Belgrade, at the Astronomy Department of the Faculty of Mathematics. Prof. Simovljević belongs to the closest circle of distinguished Serbian astronomers. He gave a significant improvement in the theoretical computational methods for the complicated calculations of ephemerides for the Solar-System bodies.. In the sixties of the last century he introduced at the Belgrade University a new subject of Theoretical Astronomy. To this subject he wrote textbook Fundaments of Theoretical Astronomy (Основи теоријске астрономије). The digitized version of this book is available in the Virtual library of the National Digitisation Centre (http://elib.matf.bg.ac.yu:8080/virlib). In this article the author also writes about other works of Prof. Simovljević: PhD thesis, collected scientific papers and coauthor booklet Total Solar Eclipse of February 15, 1961 (Потпуно помрачење Сунца, 15. фебруар 196). All these works are also available at the Virtual Library.