Digitalisation of Conservation Treatment

Marija Radin , Nataša Krstić

Conservation documentation is of significant importance to the process of cultural heritage safeguarding. Conservation treatment represent the sum of ways and means aimed at prolongation of cultural object`s life and comprise all interventions on the object itself or on its environment. It is, therefore, particularly important to record correctly and scrupulously all segments of the treatment carried out on a cultural object. Documentation of conservation treatment offers expert data on condition of particular cultural object. Also, detailed information on undertaken treament could prevent unnecessary analysis and treatments in future. In addition to that, precise and consistent records of utilized material, tools or technique and methods of both analyses and research, provide very important information, indispensable for the development of the profession and general improvement of the protection of cultural assets. For all these reasons, conservation file represents one of the foundations of preventive conservation planning. The Department of preventive conservation “Diana”, in the National Museum in Belgrade, set up a project of multiplatform, multi-access database creation for record keeping of the objects brought for conservation treatment. Digitalizacija kulturne baštine je jedan od vidova preventivne zaštite celokupnog kulturnog i nacionalnog nasleđa i, kao takva, je neophodan korak ka osavremenjivanju muzejske prakse. Odeljenje za preventivnu zaštitu ''Dijana'', Narodnog muzeja u Beogradu, tvorac je i nosioc strategije preventivne zaštite, osnovne evropske metode zaštite kulturne baštine, u našoj zemlji. Krajem 2006. godine, OPZ "Dijana" je pristupilo izradi multiplatformske, višekorisničke baze podataka za evidentiranje predmeta donetih na konzervatorski tretman. U radu su prikazane osnovne funkcije baze, koja, svakako, predstavlja unapređenje postojećeg načina dokumentovanja, kao i osnovu budućih projekata digitalizacije kulturne baštine