Further generalizations of some operator inequalities involving positive linear map

Changsen Yang, Chaojun Yang

We obtain a generalized conclusion based on an α-geometric mean inequality. The conclusion is presented as follows: If m 1 , M 1 , m 2 , M 2 are positive real numbers, 0 < m 1 ≤ A ≤ M 1 and 0 < m 2 ≤ B ≤ M 2 for m 1 < M 1 and m 2 < M 2 , then for every unital positive linear map Φ and α ∈ (0, 1], the operator inequality below holds: (Φ(A) α Φ(B)) p ≤ 1 16 (M 1 +m 1) 2 ((M 1 +m 1) −1 (M 2 +m 2)) 2α) (m 2 M 2) α (m 1 M 1) 1−α p Φ p (A α B), p ≥ 2. Likewise, we give a second powering of the Diaz-Metcalf type inequality. Finally, we present p−th powering of some reversed inequalities for n operators related to Karcher mean and power mean involving positive linear maps.