Unique Pseudolifting Property in Digital Topology

Sang-Eon Han

The generalized universal lifting property plays an important role in classical topology. In digital topology we also have its digital version [5, 6, 14]. More precisely, the paper [6] established the concept of a digital covering (see also [11, 17]). It has substantially contributed to the calculation of digital fundamental groups of some digital spaces, the classification of digital spaces and so forth. The paper [6] also established the unique lifting property of a digital covering which plays an important role in studying both digital covering and digital homotopy theory. Motivated by the unique lifting property, the paper develops a pseudocovering which is weaker than a digital covering and investigates its various properties. Furthermore, the paper proves that a pseudocovering with some hypothesis has the unique pseudolifting property which is weaker than the unique lifting property in digital covering theory. Wlodzimierz Slezak 6236