Recent research has uncovered an algorithm for locating the common solution to variational inclusion problems with multivalued maximal monotone mapping and α-inverse strongly monotone mapping, as well as the points that are invariant under non-expansive mapping. In their algorithm, Zhang et al. [S. Zhang, J. H. W. Lee, C. K. Chan, Algorithms of common solutions to quasi-variational inclusion and fixed point problems, Appl. Math. Mech. 29(5) (2008), 571–581.], λ must satisfy a very strict condition, namely λ ∈ [0, 2α]; thus, it cannot be used for all Lipschitz continuous mappings, despite the fact that inverse strongly monotone implies Lipschitz continuous. This manuscript aims to define a new algorithm that addresses the flaws of the previously described algorithm. Our algorithm is used to solve minimization problems involving the fixed point set of a non-expansive mapping. In addition, we support all of our claims with numerical examples derived from computer simulation.