Topological equicontinuity and topological uniform rigidity for dynamical system

Devender Kumar, Ruchi Das

In this paper, we study topological equicontinuity, topological uniform rigidity and their properties. For a dynamical system, on a compact, T3 space, we study relations among the set of recurrent points of the map, the set of non-wandering points of the map and the intersection of the range sets of all iterations of the map. We define topological version of uniform rigidity and show that on a compact and T3 space any dynamical system is topologically uniformly rigid if it is first countable, almost topologically equicontinuous and transitive or it is second countable, topologically equicontinuous and has a dense set of periodic points. We show that a topologically uniformly rigid dynamical system, on a compact, Hausdorff space, has zero topological entropy. Moreover, we provide necessary examples and counterexamples.