Duadic codes over Fp + uFp + vFp + uvFp

Raj Kumar, Maheshanand Bhaintwal

Duadic codes constitute a well-known class of cyclic codes. In this paper, we study the structure of duadic codes of length n over the ring R = F p + uF p + vF p + uvF p , u 2 = v 2 = 0, uv = vu, where p is prime and (n, p) = 1. These codes have been studied here in the setting of abelian codes over R, and we have used Fourier transform and idempotents to study them. We have characterized abelian codes over R by studying their torsion and residue codes. It is shown that the Gray image of an abelian code of length n over R is a binary abelian code of length 4n. Conditions for self-duality and self-orthogonality of duadic codes over R are derived. Some conditions on the existence of self-dual augmented and extended codes over R are presented. We have also studied Type II self-dual augmented and extended codes over R. Some results related to the minimum Lee distances of duadic codes over R are presented. We have also presented a sufficient condition for abelian codes of the same length over R to have the same minimum Hamming distance. Some optimal binary linear codes of length 36 and ternary linear codes of length 16 have been obtained as Gray images of duadic codes of length 9 and 4, respectively, over R using the computational algebra system Magma.