Zero-dimensionality and Hausdorffness in quantale-valued preordered spaces

Samed Özkan, Muhammad Qasim

In this paper, we study the category of quantale-valued preordered spaces. We show that it is a normalized topological category and give characterization of zero-dimensionality and D-connectedness in the category of quantale-valued preordered spaces. Moreover, we characterize explicitly each of T 0 , T 0 , T 1 , pre-T 2 , T 2 and NT 2 quantale-valued preordered spaces. Finally, we examine how these characterization are related to each other and show that the full subcategory T i (pre-T 2 (L-Prord)) (i = 0, 1, 2) of pre-T 2 (L-Prord), and the full subcategory T i (L-Prord) (i = 1, 2) of L-Prord are isomorphic.