Some mathematical properties of the geometric–arithmetic index/coindex of graphs

S Stankov, M Matejić, I Milovanović, E Milovanović

Let G = (V,E), V = {1, 2, . . . ,n}, be a simple connected graph of order n, size m with vertex degree sequence d1 ≥ d2 ≥ · · · ≥ dn > 0, di = d(vi). The geometric–arithmetic topological index of G is defined as GA(G) = ∑ i∼ j 2 √ did j di+d j , whereas the geometric–arithmetic coindex as GA(G) = ∑ i/ j 2 √ did j di+d j . New lower bounds for GA(G) and GA(G) in terms of some graph parameters and other invariants are obtained