Effect of anti-predator behaviour in a prey-predator system with strong Allee effect in prey population

Sangeeta Saha, G P Samanta

In this work a predator-prey model is proposed where prey species shows anti-predator behaviour to save themselves from predator's attack. Moreover, a strong Allee effect has been introduced in the prey population to make the model more realistic to the environment. Both generalist and specialist predators have been taken to observe the system dynamics minutely. The predator population decreases with increasing value of 'rate coefficient of anti-predator behaviour' when generalist predator is considered but in presence of the specialist predator, the predator population first increases up to a threshold value and then decreases. It means a very small rate of anti-predation does not affect the predator's growth very much but if prey attacks the predator at a larger rate, then the predator population decreases. Also, the existence of one dimensional and two-dimensional bifurcations have been observed by making different parameters as bifurcating parameters around the steady states