On the algebraic structure of polycyclic codes

Hassan Ou-Azzou, Mustapha Najmeddine

In this paper, we are interested in the study of the right polycyclic codes as invariant subspaces of F n q by a fixed operator T R. This approach has helped in one hand to connect them to the ideals of the polynomials ring F q [x]/ f (X), where f (x) is the minimal polynomial of T R. On the other hand, it allows to prove that the dual of a right polycyclic code is invariant by the adjoint operator of T R. Hence, when T R is normal we prove that the dual code of a right polycyclic code is also a right polycyclic code. However, when T R isn't normal the dual code is equivalent to a right polycyclic code. Finally, as in the cyclic case, the BCH-like and Hartmann-Tzeng-like bounds for the right polycyclic codes on Hamming distance are derived