This paper introduces fundamental ideas of bitopological dynamical systems. Here, notions of bitopological transitivity, point transitivity, pairwise iterated compactness, weakly bitopological transitiv-ity, etc. are introduced. Later, it is shown that under pairwise homeomorphism, weakly point transitivity implies weakly bitopological transitivity. Moreover, under pairwise homeomorphism; pairwise compact-ness and pairwise iterated compactness are found to be equivalent. Later, we apply our results in the development process of a human embryo from the zygote until birth. During the process of biological application, we disprove conjecture 1 of Nada and Zohny [S. I. Nada, H. Zohny, An application of relative topology in biology. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 42 (2009) 202–204].