Unique range sets -a further study

Sanjay Mallick

The purpose of the paper is to investigate the problems of unique range sets in the most general setting. Accordingly, we have studied sufficient conditions for a general polynomial to generate a unique range set which put all the variants of unique range sets into one structure. Most importantly, as an application of the main result we have been able to accommodate not only examples of critically injective polynomials but also examples of non-critically injective polynomials generating unique range sets which are for the first time being exemplified in the literature. Furthermore, some of these examples show that characterization of unique range sets generated by non-critically injective polynomials does not always demand gap polynomials which also complements the recent results by An and Banerjee-Lahiri in this direction. Moreover, one of the lemmas proved in this paper improves and generalizes some results due to Frank-Reinders and Lahiri respectively.