Fixed point under set-valued relation-theoretic nonlinear contractions and application

Anita Tomar, Meena Joshi, S K Padaliya, Bharti Joshi, Akhilesh Diwedi

We establish a relation theoretic version of the main result of Aydi et al. [H. Aydi, M. Abbas, C. Vetro, Partial Hausdorff metric and Nadler's fixed point theorem on partial metric space, Topol. Appl. (159), 2012, 3234–3242] and extend the results of Alam and Imdad [A. Alam, M. Imdad, Relation-theoretic contraction priciple, J. Fixed Point Theory Appl., 17(4), 2015, 693–702.] for a set-valued map in a partial Pompeiu-Hausdorff metric space. Numerical examples are presented to validate the theoretical finding and to demonstrate that our results generalize, improve and extend the recent results in different spaces equipped with binary relations to their set-valued variant exploiting weaker conditions. Our results provide a new answer, in the setting of relation theoretic contractions, to the open question posed by Rhoades on continuity at fixed point. We also show that, under the assumption of k-continuity, the solution to the Rhoades' problem given by Bisht and Rakočević characterizes completeness of the metric space. As an application of our main result, we solve an integral inclusion of Fredholm type,