Existence and global attractivity of periodic solutions to some classes of difference equations

Stevo Stević, Bratislav Iričanin, Witold Kosmala, Zdenĕk Šmarda

Existence and global attractivity of periodic solutions to some subclasses of the following class of difference equations x n+1 = q n x n + f (n, x n , x n−1 ,. .. , x n−k), n ∈ N 0 , where k ∈ N 0 , (q n) n∈N 0 is a T-periodic sequence (T ∈ N), and f : N 0 × R k+1 → R is a T-periodic function in the first variable, which for each n ∈ {0, 1,. .. , T − 1} is continuous in other variables, are studied,