Resistance distance and Kirchhoff index in generalized R-vertex and R-edge corona for graphs

Qun Liu

For a graph G, the graph R(G) of a graph G is the graph obtained by adding a new vertex for each edge of G and joining each new vertex to both end vertices of the corresponding edge. Let I(G) be the set of newly added vertices, i.e I(G) = V(R(G))\V(G). The generalized R-vertex corona of G and Hi for i = 1,2,...,n, denoted by R(G) ∧n i=1Hi, is the graph obtained from R(G) and Hi by joining the i-th vertex of V(G) to every vertex in Hi. The generalized R-edge corona of G and Hi for i = 1,2,...,m, denoted by R(G) ∧m i=1Hi,isthegraphobtainedfromR(G)andHi byjoiningthei-thvertexofI(G)toeveryvertexinHi. In this paper, we derive closed-form formulas for resistance distance and Kirchhoff index of R(G)∧n i=1Hi and R(G) ∧m i=1Hi whenever G and Hi are arbitrary graphs. These results generalize the existing results