A certain class of deferred weighted statistical B-summability involving (p, q)-integers and analogous approximation theorems

Amjed Zraiqat, S K Paikray, Hemen Dutta

The preliminary idea of statistical weighted B-summability was introduced by Kadak et al. [27]. Subsequently, deferred weighted statistical B-summability has recently been studied by Pradhan et al. [38]. In this paper, we study statistical versions of deferred weighted B-summability as well as deferred weighted B-convergence with respect to the difference sequence of order r (> 0) involving (p, q)-integers and accordingly established an inclusion between them. Moreover, based upon our proposed methods, we prove an approximation theorem (Korovkin-type) for functions of two variables defined on a Banach space CB(D) and demonstrated that, our theorem effectively improves and generalizes most (if not all) of the existing results depending on the choice of (p, q)-integers. Finally, with the help of the modulus of continuity we estimate the rate of convergence for our proposed methods. Also, an illustrative example is provided here by generalized (p, q)-analogue of Bernstein operators of two variables to demonstrate that our theorem is stronger than its traditional and statistical versions