On a solvable class of product-type systems of difference equations

Stevo Stević, Bratislav Iričanin, Zdeněk Šmarda

It is shown that the following class of systems of difference equations $$z_{n+1} = lpha z^a_n w^b_n, w_{n+1} = \beta w^c_n z^d_{n−2}, n ı \mathbb{N}_0,$$ where $a, b, c, d \in \mathbb{Z}, \alpha, \beta, z_{−2} , z_{−1}, z_0, w_0 \in \mathbb{C} \setminus \{0\}$, is solvable, continuing our investigation of classification of solvable product-type systems with two dependent variables. We present closed form formulas for solutions to the systems in all the cases. In the main case, when $bd\neq 0$, a detailed investigation of the form of the solutions is presented in terms of the zeros of an associated polynomial whose coefficients depend on some of the parameters of the system.