Extending identity management system with multimodal biometric authentication

Bojan Jovanović, Ivan Milenković, Marija Bogićević, Dejan Simić

Techniques for authentication that are used in today's identity management systems are vulnerable when they are used over the network. In order to prevent fraud and unauthorized data access, it is important to ensure the identity of the person who submitted authentication credentials. The authentication process can be additionally secured by using biometric data for user verification. Moreover, precision of biometric authentication can be improved by the use of multimodal biometrics. This paper presents a system which has been designed for identity management based on FreeIPA solution for digital identity management and MMBio framework for multimodal biometrics. Proposed system provides multifactor authentication, where MMBio framework is used for handling user biometric data. Developed prototype confirms possible integration of identity management and multimodal biometric systems.