Exploiting Geotagged Resources to Spatial Ranking by Extending HITS Algorithm

Tuong Tri Nguyen, Jason J. Jung

With a large amount of geotagged resources from smart devices, it is important to provide users with intelligent location-based services. Particularly, in this work, we focus on spatial ranking service, which can retrieve a set of relevant resources with a certain tag. This paper designs ranking algorithm in order to find out a list of locations which are collected from geotagged resources on SNSs. As extending HITS algorithm [13], we propose a novel method (called GeoHITS) that can analyze an undirected 2-mode graph composed with a set of tags and a set of locations. Thereby, meaningful relationships between the locations and a set of tags are discovered by integrating several weighting schemes and HITS algorithm. To evaluate the proposed spatial ranking approach, we have shows the experimental results from the recommendation applications.